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Research shows that insurance claims peak every year during the winter months. This is because it’s the time of year when burglary rates rise. It’s important that you have the right home insurance in place, so you are protected from burglars. However, you also need to keep your home safe and secure during the winter to help avoid your home being targeted.

Home Burglary in the winter

In this blog, we look at the home burglary risks that winter months present and how you can keep your home safe and secure from criminals.

Home burglary rates rise every year during the winter. This is because criminals enjoy working under the cover of darkness, and there is a lot more darkness at this time of the year. It’s also a time of year when some homeowners are away visiting family or away on Christmas holidays. In addition, it is a time of the year when people have lots of expensive gifts in their home, and they are often on show under the tree.

There is always a financial loss when it comes to home burglaries, and this is something that an insurance company can help with. However, we want to protect you from the stress and upset of knowing a stranger has been in your home. This is why we want to help you keep your home safe and secure this winter.

It’s important to remember basic home safety measures. Make sure you have a designated person who checks the windows and doors at the end of each day. In addition, the last person to go to bed needs to double-check windows and doors to ensure they are closed and locked.

If you have expensive or sentimental jewelry in your home that you don’t wear all the time, you might want to consider a home safe. This will better protect your jewelry and belongings. You may also pay less for your insurance premium as well.

The shorter days mean longer darker evenings too. Many of us are out for longer on darker evenings too, especially during the festive period. You may want to consider investing in a light controlled by a timer, so this way they can turn on at a set time and it will look like the home is occupied. This will often be enough to deter a potential criminal.

Home Security

Adding a home security system to your home will also help keep your home safe and secure this winter. It could be security lighting, CCTV cameras, or intruder alarms. These will all help to deter thieves who don’t want to be caught in the act. Criminals hate lighting, noise, and the threat of being caught or having evidence against them. This is where our home security systems can really help to protect your home.